

Igrology is a Russian publisher that was founded by Timofey Bokarev in 2007. We want to spread our love for board games among as many people as possible. Board games are an amazing way to spend unforgettable hours with friends and family. There is a large variety of them and they are accessible to everyone regardless of age, physical ability or social status.
We published 32 games in Russia and 4 internationally. In addition to the games, we have launched many other projects aimed at making board games more popular:

Tabletopia . Igrology is one of the founders of the Tabletopia digital platform for board games. We created Tabletopia to bring the games and the players closer to each other with the help of digital technology. With Tabletopia, you can play popular board games with your friends online in an experience almost like gathering around a real table. Game authors and publishers can easily bring their games into the digital realm. And everyone can create and test their own board games in the Tabletopia environment.

Tesera («??????»). Similar to boardgamegeek.com, this web portal is the main database and community for boardgames in Russia. It is the home for games, game companies, people, clubs, blogs as well as the latest news from the world of board games. It allows users to keep records of their own collections, rate games and talk about any topic related to this incredible hobby.

PrintFun . This website provides a vast collection of free games in the "print and play" format. Each PDF contains one or more fun and exciting games. To play them, all you need is a printer, paper and pencils.


- Igrology fan

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