Green Eye Games

Green Eye Games

A new company, formed in 2013. Its first release was Cthulhu Wars. The well-known designer, Sandy Petersen, is a partner, and the chief creative officer of the company. The other partners are highly experienced video game developers, moving into boardgames for the first time.

The company is based in Rockwall, TX.

Admin Note:

Since circa 2017, Green Eye Games is owned by Petersen Games. Green Eye Games owns the Cthulhu Wars intellectual property while Petersen Games owns the other games designed by Sandy: Theomachy, Orcs Must Die!, Glorantha: The Gods War, etc.

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Cthulhu Wars  [2015]

Cthulhu Wars is a strategy boardgame in which the players take the part of alien races and gods taken from the Cthulhu mythos created by H. P. Lovecraft. The game is physically large, and includes sixty-four figurines of the cultists, monsters, alie...