Valley Games, Inc.

Valley Games, Inc.

Valley Games started out as two friends looking for what they could do for the gaming community. They decided to start publishing new quality games and reprint beloved classics. Their first game was Die Macher. In order to be able to run kickstarter campaigns, these same people later set up Radiant Gaming as a US company.

Valley Games Classic Line
Valley Games Modern Line
Valley Games Tactics Line

After various legal troubles, undelivered Kickstarter projects, the expiration of their website, and the emigration of one of its principals, Valley Games effectively no longer exists. There are various relevant forum threads, for those unfamiliar with the situation.


Boardgame yang diterbitkan

Stronghold  [2009]

Stronghold is a game telling the story of a siege. Players take opposite sides, one has to defend the stronghold, the other has to break into the castle as soon as possible. As time passes, defenders get Victory Points every turn for their efforts on...

Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage  [1996]

This game uses the very popular card system which first appeared in Avalon Hill's We the People game to detail the struggle between Carthage's Hannibal and the Roman Republic in approximately 200 BC.

Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage is an asymmet...

Die Macher  [1986]

Die Macher is a game about seven sequential political races in different regions of Germany. Players are in charge of national political parties, and must manage limited resources to help their party to victory. The winning party will have the most v...