Edition Spielwiese

Edition Spielwiese

Edition Spielwiese is a game publisher established with the goal of bringing the gaming experiences of our Berlin café to the homes of players everywhere. We publish the types of games that are played in the Spielwiese café, representing multiple genres, from small card games to heavy strategy games, and from both new and well-known designers. The one thing these games all have in common is that they are original, fresh, and exceptional.

Boardgame yang diterbitkan

Spring Meadow  [2018]

The first delicate flowers herald the end of a harsh winter. The sun shines longer day by day and pushes the snow back. Lush meadows bloom, and curious marmots slowly awaken from hibernation. Finally, spring is coming into the mountains — the perfect...

Indian Summer  [2017]

Before winter makes its appearance, a particularly warm fall bathes the forest in a golden shimmer. During the Indian Summer, New England blossoms one last time. Treetops are ablaze with countless colors — a living rainbow, from green to orange to re...

Noria  [2017]

A new era is looming on the horizon. The future of Noria is right in front of you, and you must guide your flourishing trading empire into prosperity. Discover flying islands, buy ships, and build factories. Invest in prestigious projects, and secure...