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Geoff Engelstein

Geoff Engelstein was born in 1964 in Queens, New York.

He always enjoyed playing traditional games when he was growing up, but marked his first foray into the wider gaming world at age 11, when he purchased his first Avalon Hill game, Richthofen’s War. He attended his first Origins way back in ’78 when he was 14, in Chester, PA. Through high school he continued to expand his gaming horizons, including RPGs, wargames, Star Fleet Battles, and more.

He attended college at MIT, where he received degrees in Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Ancient History. He was president of the MIT Strategic Gaming Society, which played a huge variety of games from multi-month wargames to ASL to Acquire to 18xx games.

After marrying his lovely wife Susan and having two children his wargaming has diminished quite a bit, replaced by shorter fare.

Geoff detailed his gaming experiences growing up in the geeklist Anecdotes from a Gaming Life.

He is a regular contributor to the podcast The Dice Tower, hosting the GameTek segment.

Geoff is also the President of Mars International, an engineering design and manufacturing firm located in Mountainside, NJ, and co-owner of WinWam software, developer of inspection software for state and local governments. He is also a principal in Mind Bullet Games, developers of The Ares Project, and the unpublished Starship 1 and Fog of War.

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Sebagai designer di boardgame

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