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Jeremy Holcomb

My name is Jeremy Holcomb, and I am a Game Designer.

I wasn’t born a game designer. My parents didn’t role-play. I wasn’t exposed to anything more advanced than Battleship or Monopoly. Family gatherings involved Television or conversation, never dice or cards.

I wrote my first role-playing game when I was 8.

The idea of going into game design as a career was so foreign as to never occur to me as a child. I wanted what all little kids wanted, to grow up to be a space explorer, or an archeologist, or a doctor, depending on what movies had come out recently. As I grew older I wanted to be a genetic engineer. I discovered board games, thinking of them as an interesting diversion from ‘real’ study.

I developed my first board game when I was 12.

My High School days were filled with the usual diversions, chess, sci-fi, girls. I studied math and Latin, sure I was going into the medical field. After all, you can’t actually make a living making games, right? Then, on vacation one summer I ran into friends of mine who worked for this local company no one had heard of, named Wizards of the Coast, and they talked me into buying a few boxes of Magic, the Gathering.

I received my first CCG play-testing credit in my early 20s.

Now I have embraced my inner Gamer. Some children grew up and were truly meant to be Doctors, or Lawyers, or Bus Drivers. I find myself constantly making games, tweaking games, breaking games. When I read about an interesting concept in fields like psychology or economics, I think “Interesting…how can that be used in games?” When I see an interestingly colored block, or mirrored hex tile, or an oddly-shaped metal token, I think “Could that be used as an interesting board game piece?” I’ve designed dozens of board games and two TCGs, and now see the world through the often rosy but usually fragmented glasses of the game designer.

I’m a Game Designer. I’d like to be your Game Designer.
If you need games designed, developed, tested, broken, fixed, and fun, contact me at 206.295.1503 or

Thank you,
Jeremy Holcomb

Sebagai designer di boardgame

The Duke  [2013]

Levy. Maneuver. Conquer.

The Duke is a dynamic, tile-based strategy game with an old-world, feudal theme, high-quality wooden playing pieces, and an innovative game mechanism in its double-sided tiles. Each side represents a different postur...

The Duke: Musketeers Expansion  [2013]

This expansion to the The Duke core game, adds a little literary flair, while also changing the winning conditions of the game. It introduces seven characters taken from the Musketeers literary universe.

1. D’Artagnon
2. Aramis
3. Po...