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Eduardo Baraf

Eduardo Baraf is a game maker from Mountain View, California. He is the founder of Pencil First Games, LLC.

His love of games has driven him into design and developing board and card games. In 2012 he co-designed Murder of Crows, a darkly humorous fast-playing card game published by Atlas Games. In 2014 he successfully Kickstarted Lift Off! Get me off this Planet!, which launched in 2015. Since then he Kickstarted and released The Siblings Trouble, GemPacked Cards, Heroes and Tricks, Herbaceous, Legendary Creatures, and Sunset Over Water. Herbaceous Sprouts and Heroes Welcome are currently being manufactured and he has a number of titles in development!

In addition to designing and publishing games, Eduardo started a game review channel Edo's Game Reviews and a League of Gamemakers video series on making games Edo's League of Gamemakers & Industry Vlog Posts.

Professionally, his career has been focused on video game development across various platforms and genres for companies such as Disney, Blue Fang Games, MZ, and Mind Control Software. An overview of this development can be found at his professional site here:

He is married with two boys (8/10) and loves family friendly products.

Sebagai designer di boardgame

The One Hundred Torii  [2019]

Find your path in a beautiful Japanese garden. In the Japanese tradition, the torii gate marks the transition into the sacred. Travel from fountains to flowers to shrines passing through as many torii gates a...

Sunset Over Water  [2018]

Description from the publisher:

Sometimes you need to get off the beaten path to find a beautiful landscape to paint. Wake up early, hike deep into nature, and find your perfect spot. Some paintings sell for comm...