A Few Acres of Snow
2 Orang
Jumlah pemain
Jumlah pemain
60-120 Menit
Durasi bermain
Durasi bermain
14+ Tahun
Usia pemain
Usia pemain
Rating total
Rating total
- Perancang: Martin Wallace
- Ilustrator: Peter Dennis
- Penerbit: Asmodee , Asterion Press , Treefrog Games
- Tahun Rilis: 2011
The card-play contains a focus on a deck-building mechanic similar to Dominion, each card will have multiple uses like card-driven game. The players have to choose only one aspect of the card to use when it is played. Each space captured by a player will add another card to the capturing player's deck.
From the box description:
A war fought at the edge of two mighty empires. For over one hundred and fifty years Britain and France were locked in a struggle for domination of North America. Thousands of miles from their homes, settlers and soldiers were faced with impenetrable forests, unpredictable American tribes, and formidable distances. Despite these obstacles they were able to engage in bitter warfare, with the British ultimately taking the prize of Quebec. A Few Acres of Snow is a two-player game that allows you to recreate this contest. You can change the course of history by your decisions.
A Few Acres of Snow takes an innovative approach to the subject, using cards to represent locations and manpower. As the game progresses you add to your selection of cards, increasing the range of actions available to you. There are many strategies to be explored. How quickly should you build up your forces, do you employ Native Americans, what energy should be expended on your economy?
The game is about more than just fighting – you must successfully colonize the land to have a chance.
Source: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/
- Tipe
- Strategy
Wargames -
- Kategori
- Age of Reason
American Indian Wars
Card Game
Territory Building
Wargame -
- Mekanisme
- Area Control / Area Influence
Card Drafting
Deck / Pool Building
Hand Management
Point to Point Movement -
- Family
- Cities: Boston (Massachusetts, USA)
Cities: New York (New York, USA)
Country: Canada
French and Indian War
Native American
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