StoryLine: Scary Tales
3-8 Orang
Jumlah pemain
Jumlah pemain
15-30 Menit
Durasi bermain
Durasi bermain
8+ Tahun
Usia pemain
Usia pemain
Rating total
Rating total
- Perancang: Gabriele Mari
- Ilustrator: Riccardo Crosa
- Penerbit: Asmodee , Asterion Press , Pendragon Game Studio
- Tahun Rilis: 2016
Continue your own fanciful adventure stories with the spooky addition of Scary Tales, the second installment of StoryLine! In this simple, beautifully-illustrated card game, three to eight players create a story together, with each player contributing characters, places, objects, and events to the narrative. Two narrator decks and over a hundred story cards are included to provide ample replayability, and Scary Tales introduces cards to add fright and mystery to your tales. Will your villain be a Wicked Vampire or a Mad Scientist? Will their lair be in a Mysterious Swamp or a Haunted Chapel? prepare yourself for a frightful evening; this story is yours for the telling!
Source: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/
- Tipe
- Uncategorized
- Kategori
- Card Game
Children's Game
Fantasy -
- Mekanisme
- Simultaneous Action Selection
Voting -
- Family
- Uncategorized
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