War of the Ring (Second Edition)

2-4 Orang
Jumlah pemain
150-180 Menit
Durasi bermain
13+ Tahun
Usia pemain
4.50 / 5
Rating total
In War of the Ring, one player takes control of the Free Peoples (FP), the other player controls Shadow Armies (SA). Initially, the Free People Nations are reluctant to take arms against Sauron, so they must be attacked by Sauron or persuaded by Gandalf or other Companions, before they start to fight properly: this is represented by the Political Track, which shows if a Nation is ready to fight in the War of the Ring or not.

The game can be won by a military victory, if Sauron conquers a certain number of Free People cities and strongholds or vice versa. But the true hope of the Free Peoples lies with the quest of the Ringbearer: while the armies clash across Middle Earth, the Fellowship of the Ring is trying to get secretly to Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring. Sauron is not aware of the real intention of his enemies but is looking across Middle Earth for the precious Ring, so that the Fellowship is going to face numerous dangers, represented by the rules of The Hunt for the Ring. But the Companions can spur the Free Peoples to the fight against Sauron, so the Free People player must balance the need to protect the Ringbearer from harm, against the attempt to raise a proper defense against the armies of the Shadow, so that they do not overrun Middle Earth before the Ringbearer completes his quest.

Each game turn revolves around the roll of Action Dice: each die corresponds to an action that a player can do during a turn. Depending on the face rolled on each die, different actions are possible (moving armies, characters, recruiting troops, advancing a Political Track).

Action dice can also be used to draw or play Event Cards. Event Cards are played to represent specific events from the story (or events that could possibly have happened) that cannot be portrayed through normal game-play. Each Event Card can also create an unexpected turn in the game, allowing special actions or altering the course of a battle.

Source: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/
  • Tipe
  • Kategori
    Territory Building
  • Mekanisme
    Area Control / Area Influence
    Area Movement
    Campaign / Battle Card Driven
    Dice Rolling
    Hand Management
  • Family
    Components: Miniatures
    Tolkien Games
    War of the Ring
Angrod Vardamir
16 Maret 2018 15:20:28
Kalau kalian penggemar Lord of The Rings atau segala sesuatu mengenai J.R.R. Tolkien, coba main War of The Ring. War of The Ring berusaha untuk mengabadikan peristiwa perang besar antara kebaikan dan kejahatan di Middle Earth dimana Sauron berusaha menguasai dunia dengan kekuatan One Ring dan kubu Free People berusaha menghentikannya dengan saling bersatu.

War of The Ring bisa dimainkan dengan 2 pemain atau bahkan 3 atau 4 pemain. Jika 2 pemain, salah satu pemain akan memegang Free People (Gondor, Rohan, Elves dan lainnya) dan satu lagi sebagai Sauron dan Saruman.
Jika lebih dari dua, masing-masing pemain akan memegang salah satu dari Sauron, Saruman, Gondor dan Northmen.

Papan permainan merupakan peta dari Middle Earth yang terbagi menjadi beberapa lokasi. Pemain akan bergantian untuk mengambil aksi dalam perang epic ini. Selain itu pemain Free People juga akan memegang kendali dari Fellowship dengan misi untuk menghancurkan One Ring ke atas Mt. Doom di Mordor, markas besar Sauron. Sauron harus menghancurkan Free People atau mencegah Fellowship sukses.
Uniknya adalah permainan petak umpat dari Fellowship dan Sauron ini bisa menentukan hasil dari perang ini.

Kalau kalian suka permainan perang epik dengan banyaknya unit pada papan permainan, konflik langsung dan berlangsung cukup lama. Silahkan coba War of The Ring (ada juga edisi pertama yang kurang lebih sama dengan beda di peraturan yang lebih streamlined, peta yang lebih bagus dan lebih besar).