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Piotr Haraszczak

Co-designer of: Pret-a-porter
Production Staff of: Stronghold, Zombiaki II, The Ressistance: Agenci Molocha

Tabletop Games
Co-designer of Neuroshima Tactics (tabletob skirmish game)
Writer of Neuroshima Tactics: Campaign

Role Playing Games
Co-writer of Prawo i Sprawiedliwo?? (Neuroshima RPG suplement)
Production Staff of polish editions: Cold City, InSpectres, Blood & Honor
Production Staff of: Graj Trikiem, Skrót do R'lyeh, Neuroshima: Gladiator ed1.5

Sebagai artist di boardgame

The Resistance  [2009]

The Empire must fall. Our mission must succeed. By destroying their key bases, we will shatter Imperial strength and liberate our people. Yet spies have infiltrated our ranks, ready for sabotage. We must unmask them. In five nights we reshape destiny...