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Dominique Ehrhard

Dominique Ehrhard (born March 5, 1958) is a French game designer, artist, and writer of children's books from Orléans, France.

Sebagai artist di boardgame

Marrakech  [2007]

In Marrakech each player takes the role of a rug salesperson who tries to outwit the competition. Each player starts with 10 coins and an equal number of carpets.

On your turn, you may rotate Assam 90 degrees. Then roll the die and move him ...

Medici  [1995]

Another Reiner Knizia standby, this game plays very well with varying numbers of people. The object is to accrue the most points during three rounds, which you do by spending your points to bid on sets of cards. Each turn the current player turns u...

Condottiere  [1995]

It is 13th century Italy. Trade is flourishing between the city-states and the Levant. Venice, Florence, and Genoa are all bursting with wealth. However, each city-state is also plagued with a weak national army, leaving them defenseless against inva...