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Tom Dalgliesh

"Tom Dalgliesh (born 1945 in Aberdeen, Scotland) is the owner/president of Columbia Games in Blaine, WA. Tom is the designer of dozens of well known boardgames, including the classic block games Quebec 1759 (1972) and War of 1812 (1973), and more recent successes like Crusader Rex (2005) and Richard III: The Wars of the Roses (2009). His son Grant Dalgliesh also works with him at Columbia.


Source: Wikipedia, "Tom_Dalgliesh", available under the CC-BY-SA License.

Sebagai artist di boardgame

Slapshot  [1982]

Slapshot is a wheeling, dealing game for hockey nuts of all ages. Each participant in Slapshot assumes the role of a team manager. The object is to skillfully manage your team into the playoffs and then win the championship. During the regular season...