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Larry Elmore

Larry Elmore (born August 5, 1948 in Louisville, Kentucky) is a game designer and author who is probably best known for his fantasy artwork. His freelance artwork has appeared in comic books, computer games, magazines, and fantasy and science fiction books. Between 1981 and 1987, he worked at TSR as a staff artist. He has also contributed artwork to FASA, GDW Games, Iron Crown Enterprises, and Mayfair Games.

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Periodical Interviews

Larry Elmore - Der Zauberer der Farben und Formen (Zunftblatt 2009)

Sebagai artist di boardgame

Defenders of the Realm  [2010]

“Our Liege is in desperate hour! From what grievous cause have these accursed races arisen? Orcs, Dragons, Demons and the Dead make haste towards Monarch City. The King and Countryside of Monarch City is in need of valiant Heroes!”

Will you ...